Land of Ninjas


Requirements: Appointed by Council

Kage means Shadow. Kage are leader of a particular Hidden Village. More precisely, there can only be 1 kage per Country (5 country), but can belong to any Hidden Villages. The title Kage is only given to the strongest Ninja in that Village, meaning strongest village in that country. Jonin and S-class are often chosen to be kage. Kage are extremely strong because of their ability to perform many unique, s-rank, and powerful jutsu. 3rd Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaf is known as "Professor" because he has master over hundreds or Jutsu and all Jutsu in the Leaf Village. Hokage belong to the Village Hidden in the Leaf. Mizukage belong to the Village Hidden in the Mist. Tsuchikage belong to the Village Hidden in the Rock. Raikage belong to the Village Hidden in the Cloud. Kazekage belong to the Village Hidden in the Sand.